Friday, October 1, 2010

Endvra - Black Eden


Genre: Electronic
Style: Dark Ambient

Year: 1996


Satanas Ex Machina 9:29
The Left Hand Of The Dead 6:48
The Devil Stars Burn Cold 7:14
When God Was A Snake 9:37
The Sun No Longer Sets Me Free 6:07
A Golden Heresy 9:21



 Released in 1996 this album is among one of the most sought after dark ambient releases ("ritual ambient" to be technical) in what was at the time of release in the midst of the dark experimental music following. Ah yes, this album completely envelops your mind and body as visions of ancient pagan rituals and exotic dances flash within your thoughts. The highlight of the entire album is most notably the track "When God was a Snake" an absolutely hypnotizing dive into the sound of the serpent and the coven of dark eroticism. This tune is by far my favourite of Endvra and perhaps even my favourite album as well.

~~~When God was a Snake~~~


[Rating 4/5]
